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Litter Trap in the IJssel, Zwolle

CLEAR RIVERS officially started a new pilot project in Overijssel with the aim of retrieving, monitoring, researching, and recycling plastic from the river IJssel.


Throughout the pilot, the plastic litter will be monitored for quantity, composition, and type of plastic.


Subsequently, CLEAR RIVERS, together with regional partners, research centers, and circular entrepreneurs will research how the retrieved plastic can be locally recycled.


Our Oceans are covered in plastic litter. Animals are affected by it and the ecosystem suffers. A large part of the plastic reaches the Seas and Oceans through rivers. There it becomes part of the worldwide pollution. Exposure to sunlight and friction makes larger objects fragment into smaller particles, known as microplastic. The smaller the fragments get, the more difficult is it to retrieve them. 

The IJssel river carries plastic debris directly into the North Sea, where it becomes almost impossible to retrieve.

This is why CLEAR RIVERS started this project to retrieve plastics before they reach the open waters.


The pilot is a CLEAR RIVERS’ initiative, supported by the Provincie Overijssel, the Gemeente Zwolle, SC Johnson, Rijkswaterstaat and ENGIE. Various partners are participating in the pilot, such as Saxion University of Applied Sciences, Windesheim, OOZ, Natuur & Milieu.

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